CODES: mh: Mental health ah: Accommodation/housing advice ad: Advocacy a: Alcohol workers ac: Art classes b: Barber ba: Benefits advice bs: Bathroom/showers be: Bedding ca: Careers advice cl: Clothing store c: Counselling da: Debt advice dt: Dentist dw: Drugs workers et: Education/training ff: Food (free) f: Food fc: Foot care it: Internet access lf: Leisure facilities ls: Luggage storage ms: Medical/health md: Music/drama ne: Needle exchange ol: Outreach worker links ow: Outreach workers sh: Sexual health ts: Tenancy support la: Legal advice l: Laundry ef: Ex-forces eo: Ex-offenders sf: Step-free

999 Club (Deptford Centre)

21 Deptford Broadway SE8 4PA
020 8694 5797,
Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm serving food and providing access to a shower.; Tuesday: 9am-12pm (mental health professionals); Wednesday: 9am-12pm (GP & signposting); Thursday: 9am-12pm (nurse practitioner); Monday-Friday: 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower.; Warm and welcoming environment to anyone who is homeless. Day centre every weekday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower. Learn new skills, find work and housing and reconnect to family and friends. Open-access sessions where people can access specialist advice on housing and benefits. Learning and activities programme and specialist healthcare services. CODES: MH, AH, AD, A, AC, B, BA, BS, CA, ET, FC, IT, L, MS, TS, LA, EO, F

Be Enriched

URC Rookstone Road SW17 9NQ
Monday: 12:30pm-2:30pm Crossways Church, 18 Hampton St, SE1 6SN; Tuesday: 7pm-9pm London Cooking Project, 1 Ethelburga St, SW11 4AG; Friday: 12:30pm-2:30pm URC, Rookstone Rd, SW17 9NQ; Connecting people through community activities and cultivating respect over a bite. Free or pay-as-you-can community meals three days a week in S London. Volunteering or training opportunities through cooking lessons. CODES: FF, F

Catalyst Night Shelter (Ahava Community)

01708 755 321,
Monday-Sunday: 6pm-8:15am; Year-round night shelter for 20 people, 18+. Self- and agency referrals, inc prison and probation services. No drugs, alcohol. CODES: F, AH

Treasures Foundation

07950 585 947,
Open 24-7
Monday-Sunday: 7am-7am; Treasures Foundation helps female ex-offenders and former addicts with a home and support. By referral only – please contact your key worker. "We provide housing each day, every day". Open 24-7 email: CODES: MH, AH, F

© Copyright 2014 the Pavement, Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656 Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760 ISSN (online) 1757-0484