Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

If you would like your service to be included, please download and complete an entry form

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


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Quaker Homeless Action/Quaker Open Christmas

Admin: PO Box 7105, Poole, Dorset BH15 4DQ, Winter shelter: The American Church, 79A Tottenham Court Road,


Phone: 07833 123155

Winter Shelter:
23 December to 30 December
Monday: 3pm-9am
Tuesday-Monday: 9am-9am Open 24 hours. 3pm on 23 December until 10am on 30th December. There will be hot food and drinks, clothing, entertainment, mobile library, hairdressers, a food bank, showers, and all sorts of other services and resources available.
Monday: 11:30am-12:30pm (mobile library, 3rd week of month, Manna Centre)
Tuesday: 7pm-7:30pm (mobile library, alt. weeks at Lincoln’s Inn Fields)
Saturday: 10am-4pm (mobile library: The Passage, 10am–10.30am; The American Church, 11.15am–12pm; St Giles in the Fields, 2pm–4pm)

Quaker Homeless Action runs mobile libraries. The Christmas Shelter (24 beds, dry) provides breakfast and supper for up to 75. It closes at 10pm except for those who have been given a bed. Self referrals and referrals from Islington Outreach Forum agencies (inc. Islington DAAT, Whitaker Centre, Pilion Trust, New Horizon, Focus and Angel Drug Services) or others that can provide ongoing support. Phone to check vacancies.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Food (free), Foot care, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Leisure facilities

Redbridge Assessment Centre

16 York Road, Ilford


Phone: 020 8911 7470

Sunday-Thursday: 7:30am-8:45am
Friday & Saturday: 7:30pm-9:15am
Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5pm (office hours)

Services only for people staying at the shelter. Some classes for residents and ex-residents only - ring first. Referral only from Redbridge Housing Team.

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food, Internet access, Luggage storage, Medical/health, Leisure facilities

Refettorio Felix at St Cuthbert's Centre

The Philbeach Hall, 51 Philbeach Gardens, Earl’s Court


Phone: 020 7835 1389

Monday-Friday: 12pm-2pm Take-away and sit-in lunch available.
Monday-Friday: 11am-1pm Mental health advice on 07928 831372.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 12pm-2pm Housing advice
Wednesday: 12pm-2pm NHS nurse available

St. Cuthbert's Centre is a 30-year-old charity that was joined by Refettorio Felix in 2017 through a collaboration with Chef Massimo Bottura’s non-profit organisation Food for Soul, creating the current Refettorio Felix at St. Cuthbert’s Centre.

Food (free), Food, Bathroom/showers, Advocacy, Mental health, Outreach workers, Accommodation/housing advice

Richmond Legal Advice Service

Holy Trinity Church, Sheen Pk, Richmond


Phone: 020 8891 2105

Tuesday: 8pm-9:30pm

Covers children, domestic violence, employment, housing, benefits etc.

Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Tenancy support, Legal advice

Robes Project (Southwark & Lambeth)


Phone: 020 7407 5623

Winter shelter:
05 November to 14 April
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-8am (closed during Crisis, 23–30 Dec)

Rolling winter night shelter. Referrals ONLY through Manna Soc, Spires, Ace of Clubs, Webber St Day Centre, Crisis, Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers, Southwark SPOT, Lambeth Safer Streets Team, The Big Issue, Shelter. 18+, 35 bed spaces, low support needs.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Food (free)

Royal Connections

The Hub Studios, 90 Monier Road (off Wick Lane), Bow

E3 2ND

Phone: 0300 111 1111

Sunday: 4pm-6pm (hot meal on 4th Sunday of the month)

Christian charity dedicated to helping people who need help. Works with other local organisations.

Accommodation/housing advice, Barber, Careers advice, Dentist, Education/training, Food (free), Medical/health, Legal advice

Sangam Association of Asian Women

210 Burnt Oak Broadway


Phone: 020 8952 7062

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm

Relieves poverty, hardship, and distress of the socially and economically disadvantaged without discrimination. Counselling for women, youth and underprivileged people. Cultural classes.

Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Education/training


245 Gray's Inn Road


Phone: 0204 509 8300

Monday-Sunday: 9am-5pm

Provides innovative accommodation and support services to 3,000 of London's most vulnerable people. To discuss referral, call 020 7520 8660.

Accommodation/housing advice, Art classes, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Debt advice, Education/training, Internet access, Outreach workers, Tenancy support

SHP - Camden Recovery Service, Islington Aftercare & Haringey ETE Service

The London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square


Phone: 020 7520 8682

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Supports borough residents who have experienced substance use treatment or are in recovery into education, training and employment.

Accommodation/housing advice, Education/training, Step-free

Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

The Copleston Centre, Copleston Road

SE15 4AN

Phone: 020 7732 0505

Tuesday: 12:30pm-5pm (drop-in - lunch, advice, creche, ESOL, gardening, wellbeing)
Wednesday: 11am-2:45pm (Baptist Ch, 121 Peckham Pk Rd, ​SE15 6SX)
Thursday: 1pm-5pm (​St Mary Newington, Kennington Pk Rd, SE11 4JH)

Drop-in centre for asylum seekers and refugees. Advice on housing, health, education, training and employment. Gardening club. Group therapy.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Medical/health, Leisure facilities


89 Heath Road, Twickenham


Phone: 0208 288 6506

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5pm

Since 1987, SPEAR has offered services to thousands of homeless and vulnerable people in and around Richmond, successfully transforming lives and supporting many of their service users to the point that they have achieved total independence.

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Drugs workers, Outreach workers, Tenancy support

Spires Centre

8 Tooting Bec Gardens

SW16 1RB

Phone: 020 8696 0943

Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 9am-10:30am (rough sleepers)
Tuesday: 10:30am-2pm (drop-in)
Wednesday: 10am-12pm (rough sleepers only)
Thursday: 9am-1pm (rough sleepers only)
Monday & Friday: 10:30am-1:30pm (women's space)

Drop-in, food, showers, clothing, resettlement advice, drug & alcohol support, health advice, medical and optician services and much more! Please contact Spires for adult education info and times.

Accommodation/housing advice, Medical/health, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers

St Christopher's Fellowship (for children)

1 Putney High Street

SW15 1SZ

Phone: 0208 780 7800

The UK's only refuge for runaway children and is also a housing association for abused, neglected and disadvantaged children.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Education/training, Internet access, Legal advice

St Giles' Trust

Georgian House, 64-68 Camberwell Church Street


Phone: 0207 708 8000

Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-12:30pm

Supports ex-offenders.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Education/training, Internet access, Outreach worker links

St Michael's Church

Camden Road


Wednesday: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Free legal advice from trained solicitors on housing & homelessness, debt etc. NB: not immigration or criminal law advice.

Accommodation/housing advice, Debt advice, Legal advice

St Mungo's Broadway (Brent Probation Housing Advice and Floating Support)

Phone: 0207 483 2892

For offenders in the Borough of Brent aged 18+. Works with offenders with complex needs to prevent homelessness and re-offending.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice


446 Fulham Road


Phone: 020 7385 2110

Monday-Friday: 8am-8pm (closed 12.30–1.30)
Saturday & Sunday: 8am-5pm

Stoll is the leading provider of supported housing for ex-servicemen and women. As well as housing, they provide life-changing support including employment training, advice, addiction services and health and wellbeing activities.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Education/training, Music/drama, Outreach workers, Tenancy support

Stonewall Housing

8 Coppergate House, 10 White’s Row

E1 7NF

Phone: 020 7359 5767 (advice)

Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm (advice line 020 7359 5767)

Specialist LGBT housing advice and support for people in their own homes or supported housing for young people. Free, confidential housing advice for LGBT people of all ages. Since Covid-19 advice line Mon-Fri 10am-1pm: Option 1 advice. Option 2 advocacy. Option 3 supported housing.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Legal advice


Dalgarno Community Center, 1 Webb Close, London

W10 5QB

Phone: 020 7603 7956

Monday: 6pm-9pm (drop-in, St Stephen’s Church, 1 Coverdale Rd, W12 8JJ)

Free hot meal, friendship and donated items. Open-ccess to anyone who is homeless or vulnerably housed, or who can't afford to pay for both food and housing.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Bedding, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Food (free), Outreach worker links, Outreach workers


2a Wych Elm, Harlow, Essex

CM20 1QP

Phone: 01279 430011

Monday-Friday: 8:45am-2pm (day centre - breakfast from 8.45)
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm (appointments)

Social contact and access to housing and employment advice, health services, food & clothing, and general guidance. Links with a wide range of agencies and organisations to access appropriate help. The day centre provides shower facilities, clean clothes, food etc. as well as advice, support and practical help. Ring or email for more info.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Clothing store, Food, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Bathroom/showers

Thames Reach (Camden Spectrum)

Camden Spectrum, 6-8 Greenland Street


Phone: 020 7267 4937

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-7pm

Thames Reach is a London-based charity helping homeless and vulnerable people to find decent homes, build supportive relationships and lead fulfilling lives. Its vision is to end street homelessness. Email

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Bathroom/showers, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Food (free), Internet access, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Tenancy support, Leisure facilities

Thames Reach (Employment Academy)

29 Peckham Road


Phone: 020 7702 4260

Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm

Supports homeless, vulnerable and isolated men and women through a range of services, activities and accommodation projects. Their aim is for the people they help to have decent homes, supportive relationships and fulfilling lives. Phone or email for more info.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Careers advice, Education/training, Internet access, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Tenancy support

The Connection at St Martin in the Fields

12 Adelaide Street


Phone: 020 7766 5544

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9am-1pm
Wednesday: 9am-12:30pm
Saturday: 9am-1pm (invite only)

Day and night centre, outreach for rough sleepers, skills training and career advice, activity programmes and specialist support for complex needs. For people aged 16+. Visit website to see their wide range of services.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food, Foot care, Internet access, Medical/health, Music/drama, Outreach workers, Step-free

The Greenhouse

19 Tudor Road

E9 7SN

Phone: 020 8510 4490

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10am-12:30pm (drop-in)
Thursday: 10am-1pm (drop-in for homeless E Europeans in Hackney)

Health services for men and women who are sleeping rough, have a drug or alcohol problem, poor mental health, or who are simply struggling to keep a roof over their head in Hackney. Medical services include registering with a doctor and TB screening. Specific advice for Eastern Europeans, including translation services. Step-free entrance, with a lift to access other floors.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Legal advice, Step-free

The Haven

c/o Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH), St Peter's Church Hall, London Road, Kingston upon Thames


Phone: 020 8255 7400

24 September to 31 January
Monday-Sunday: 6pm-7:30am

Various churches: 18+, mixed, beds for 30 (separate area for women), agency or self-referral (via KCAH's housing advice sessions Mon-Fri 10am-1pm), and dry. Night shelter will not run this winter because of Covid.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Food (free)