Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


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Glass Door Night Shelter Richmond

Phone: 020 7351 4948

05 November to 07 April
Monday-Sunday: 8pm-7am (phone 020 7351 4948 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, to check vacancies)

30 spaces, 18+, self- or agency referrals.

Accommodation/housing advice, Food

Hinde Street Methodist Church

19 Thayer Street


Phone: 020 7935 6179

Wednesday: 4:30pm-8pm (not between Christmas and New Year)

Wednesday Club offers a safe, warm space to relax; soup, sandwiches and drinks for 10p each; free sandwiches from local cafes after 7pm. Part of the West London Mission.

Food (free), Food

North East Recovery Day (NERD)

FUSE, 1567 Shettleston Road, Glasgow

G32 9AS

Saturday: 10am-2pm

A warm welcome and support at a time when many services are closed. Recovery meeting at 10:30am, breakfast (cooked breakfast £2.50, hot rolls from 50p, tea and coffee), pool, massage or Acu-Detox on request.

Food, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers, Leisure facilities

St. Mary Abbots Church Soup Run


Monday: 6pm-6:30pm

We meet every Monday to provide free food and other various supplies to the homeless from 6-6:30 PM. The Ministry takes a scheduled route and goes from Whole Foods on High Kensington Street to Holland Park.

Food (free), Food

The Salvation Army (Laurieston Centre)

39 South Portland Street, Glasgow

G5 9JL

Phone: 0141 429 6533

Map Website: http://

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Education/training, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Medical/health, Sexual health, Tenancy support

240 Project

Latimer Community Church, 116 Bramley Road

W10 6SU

Phone: 0207 0187 540

Monday: 11am-4pm Art, nutrition, cranio-sacral therapy, reading group
Tuesday: 11am-4pm Art, acupuncture, clay workshop, music group
Wednesday: 11am-4pm Art, portraiture, creative writing
Thursday: 12am-12am Times vary. Wellbeing trip.

Arts and wellbeing focused charity, creating a friendly and safe space for vulnerable adults, many with history of homelessness. Contact us for our current timetable and to find out more. Ring for details or check the timetable ( Not step-free.

Art classes, Food, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Music/drama, Counselling, Mental health

999 Club (Deptford Centre)

21 Deptford Broadway


Phone: 020 8694 5797

Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm serving food and providing access to a shower.
Tuesday: 9am-12pm (mental health professionals)
Wednesday: 9am-12pm (GP & signposting)
Thursday: 9am-12pm (nurse practitioner)
Monday-Friday: 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower.

Warm and welcoming environment to anyone who is homeless. Day centre every weekday from 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm serving food and providing access to a shower. Learn new skills, find work and housing and reconnect to family and friends. Open-access sessions where people can access specialist advice on housing and benefits. Learning and activities programme and specialist healthcare services.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Education/training, Foot care, Internet access, Laundry, Medical/health, Tenancy support, Legal advice, Ex-offenders, Food

Ace of Clubs

St Alphonsus Rd, Clapham


Phone: 020 7720 2811

Monday-Friday: 12pm-2:15pm Lunch

Mon-Fri: Lunch Served between 12 midday – - £1 contribution from all guests is encouraged Mon-Thurs: Access to Caseworkers (appointment only) 12 Midday – 2.30pm (drop in) Mon, Wed, Fri: Access to showers (appointment only) 9.20 – 11.40am Mon-Fri: Access to IT suite (first come basis) 12 midday – 2.30pm Mon & Thurs: NHS Nurse (appointment only) 11.30am – 2.30pm Weds: NHS Dentist (appointment only) 11am – 2.30pm Every other Thurs: Refugees/Asylum Seekers & Migrant Support (every other Thursday) Mon-Fri: Laundry service, i.e. Service Wash available throughout the week, £2 per load

Accommodation/housing advice, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Education/training, Food, Medical/health, Outreach worker links

Acton Homeless Concern

Emmaus House, 1 Berrymead Gardens

W3 8AA

Phone: 020 8992 5768

Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm (refreshments, Damien Centre, 3-5 Church Rd, Acton)
Monday-Friday: 2pm-6pm (refreshments, Damien Centre, 3-5 Church Rd, Acton)
Thursday: 2:30pm-6pm (refreshments, Damien Centre, 3-5 Church Rd, Acton)

Call for the times of their wide range of services. Emmaus House provides hot lunches during the week and every other weekend. It's also where clients can shower, pick up clothes and household items. Free professional services are on offer by appointment.

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Barber, Benefits advice, Clothing store, Counselling, Dentist, Drugs workers, Food, Foot care, Medical/health


Princess May Primary School, Barrett's Grove Entrance (off Stoke Newington Road)

N16 8AJ

Phone: 07516 675995 (Sunday pm)

Sunday: 2pm-6pm

Social drop-in service for refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants. Hot meal, games, books, ESOL conversation classes and other activities.

Education/training, Food, Leisure facilities

All Saints Fulham

Pryors Bank Pavilion, Putney Bridge Approach


Thursday: 12:30pm-1:45pm

A main meal, plus fruit, yoghurt, biscuits, home-baked cakes and bread. It is a warm and happy place to meet and eat.

Food (free), Food


3A Cazenove Road, Stoke Newington

N16 6PA

Phone: 0208 806 4250

Thursday: 6:30pm-7:30pm (Lincoln’s Inn Fields) Pre-packed Hot Meals and Healthy Energy Snacks
Thursday: 12:30pm-1:30pm (Mildmay Community Centre) Pre-packed Hot Meals and Healthy Energy Snacks

Serving free hot vegan meals every Thursday from the Mildmay Community Centre and Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Mission statement: 'Empowering people, inspiring change. Love is all there is.'

Food (free), Food, Step-free

Ashford Place

60 Ashford Road, Cricklewood


Phone: 020 8208 8590

Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-5pm
Friday: 10:30am-5pm

Housing advice by appointment. Advice on housing benefit and support to negotiate new accommodation.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Clothing store, Debt advice, Education/training, Food, Internet access, Medical/health, Music/drama, Outreach workers, Tenancy support

ASLAN (All Souls Local Action Network)

c/o All Souls Clubhouse, 141 Cleveland Street


Phone: 020 7580 3522

Saturday: 5:30am-7:45am (tea run: 5.45-6.15 Tavistock St; 6.15-6.45 Savoy Pl; 7-7.45 King William IV St; All Souls Ch 6.30-8.30)
Saturday: 9am-12pm (day centre at Webber St. Breakfast, bible group, ESOL, photography & art. Showers & clothes for ticket holders. Tickets from Webber St on Mondays)
Saturday: 6:30pm-8:30pm (Entertainment - invites via tea run or welcome desk at All Souls.

Organisation that participates in the Westminster Churches Winter Shelter (referral only). Films, coach trips, clothes store and bible group Saturdays at 6.30pm. Invites via the tea run or welcome desk at All Souls Langham Pl. If you need step-free access, a volunteer will let you in via Cleveland St entrance. Email:

Art classes, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food (free), Food, Leisure facilities

Be Enriched

URC Rookstone Road

SW17 9NQ

Phone: 07397288160

Monday: 12:30pm-2:30pm Crossways Church, 18 Hampton St, SE1 6SN
Tuesday: 7pm-9pm London Cooking Project, 1 Ethelburga St, SW11 4AG
Friday: 12:30pm-2:30pm URC, Rookstone Rd, SW17 9NQ

Connecting people through community activities and cultivating respect over a bite. Free or pay-as-you-can community meals three days a week in S London. Volunteering or training opportunities through cooking lessons.

Food (free), Food

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

235 Shaftesbury Ave


Phone: 020 7240 0544

Sunday: 12:30pm-1:30pm (£2)
Monday-Thursday: 10am-4pm (tea, coffee, biscuits)

Good value community meal, with hot food.


Bringing Unity Back Into the Community (BUBIC)

1st Fl, 9 Bruce Grove, Tottenham

N17 6RA

Phone: 020 8808 6550

Community organisation set up by ex-drug users who work with drug users, ex-drug users, their family and friends in Haringey. Support for any kind of drug use, with a focus on helping crack users become free of addiction. Community cafe and regular events. Self- or agency-referral. One-to-one and peer support. Youth project. Referrals where required. Call for details.

Outreach worker links, Drugs workers, Food, Advocacy

Brixton Soup Kitchen

297-299 Coldharbour Lane,


Phone: 07538 419514

Monday-Friday: 11am-3pm Hot Meal.

Hot Meal. 11am -3pm, Monday to Friday.

Food (free), Food

Bromley Winter Night Shelter

c/o Bromley Council Homelessness Service, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley


Phone: 0208 461 7721

21 November to 15 March
Monday-Sunday: 7:30pm-7am (closed during Crisis, 23-30 Dec.)

18+, mixed, beds for 12, dry, no-smoking, priority to local connection. Contact Bromley Council Homelessness Team or agency for local connection, or shelter ( for other spaces.

Accommodation/housing advice, Food

CARIS Islington Churches Cold Weather Shelter

The Annexe, St Mellitus Church, Tollington Park

N4 3AG

Phone: 020 7281 5200

Free night shelter, food, showers and a safe place to sleep. Phone after completing and emailing a 1-page registration form to 15 guests; 18+, dry. Opens in January; dates and times to be confirmed.

Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Laundry, Outreach worker links

Carpenters Café

Carpenters Estate Community Hall, 17 Doran Walk (enter from Carpenters Rd), Stratford

E15 2JL

Phone: 07932 661 089

Tuesday: 10am-12pm (food, drinks, clothes, books, toiletries, showers)

Aims "To show the love of Christ in practical ways to the homeless, elderly and anyone needing a helping hand, and to encourage and support the homeless into making better life choices".

Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Drugs workers, Food (free), Food, Step-free

Catalyst Night Shelter (Ahava Community)

Phone: 01708 755 321

Monday-Sunday: 6pm-8:15am

Year-round night shelter for 20 people, 18+. Self- and agency referrals, inc prison and probation services. No drugs, alcohol.

Food, Accommodation/housing advice

Chelsea Methodist Church Pastoral Care

155a Kings Rd


Phone: 020 7352 9305

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9am-2pm

Lunch is served upstairs but staff or volunteers bring meals downstairs to those with limited mobility.

Clothing store, Food

Churches Foodbank (Newham)

Phone: 020 8555 9880; 020 8534 1164

Tuesday: 9am-11am (St Paul & St James, Maryland Rd, Stratford, E15 1JL)
Thursday: 1pm-3pm (Woodgrange Baptist Ch, Romford Rd, E7 8AA)

All applications for food must be accompanied by a referral from an independent agent (e.g. a doctor, a social worker or support worker, a school or nursery, a Job Centre).

Advocacy, Bathroom/showers, Food (free), Food

Colchester Emergency Night Shelter

39-41 Alexandra Road, Colchester, Essex


Phone: 01206 549885; 01206 805324

Monday-Saturday: 7:15pm-9am
Sunday: 12:30pm-9am

Temporary accommodation, respite & support for single homeless people 18+. Signposting, help with permanent accommodation, benefits & health.

Accommodation/housing advice, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Education/training, Food, Internet access, Laundry, Tenancy support