Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


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The Tricky Period - for free period products

London community organisation, Islington, Camden, King's Cross, Haringey

TOGETHER WE ARE WORKING - TO END PERIOD POVERTY Tricky Period is a grassroots group collaborating with local libraries, stations and other welcoming community spaces to provide period products to those - experiencing homelessness and poverty. Free period products - check online for the many pick-up points across London. Islington, Camden, King's Cross, Haringey & All Streets Kitchen Tables across London. Where: Social media group:


The Welcome Project

2 St Mary's Road, Ilford


Phone: 020 8514 3283

Tuesday & Thursday: 10am-3pm
Wednesday: 9am-1:30pm
Monday: 10am-3pm (appointments only)
Friday: 9am-3pm

Drop-in service for homeless people, particularly rough sleepers. Support work, nurse-led clinic, counselling, ESOL & other educational sessions that support independent living. Allotment, gardening, exercise and therapeutic massage also available. Referral through Streetlink only.

Education/training, Medical/health, Leisure facilities

Veterans Aid

40 Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria


Phone: 020 7828 2468

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-3:30pm (helpline)
Friday: 8:30am-1:30pm

Free helpline: 0800 012 68 67. On your first visit, staff will assess your problems so the right specialist help can be arranged.

Mental health, Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Clothing store, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Legal advice

Vision Care (London sites)

Phone: 07792 960416

Monday & Wednesday: 2pm-6pm (at Crisis Skylight)
Wednesday: 10am-12:30pm (W London Day Centre, 134–136 Seymour Pl)
Friday: 10am-2pm (Broadway Centre, 13 Market Lane)

Free sight tests and spectacles.


Wandsworth Community Drug and Alcohol Service (WCDAS)

St John's Therapy Centre, 162 St John's Hill, Battersea

SW11 1SW

Phone: 020 8812 4120

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9am-4:30pm
Wednesday: 1pm-7pm

A consortium between SLaM NHS Foundation Trust, Addaction and St Mungo's which provides specialist treatment for Wandsworth adults affected by drug and/or alcohol issues.

Mental health, Alcohol workers, Drugs workers, Education/training, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Step-free

WDP - Westminster Drug Project

470-474 Harrow Road

W9 3RU

Phone: 020 7266 6200

Monday-Friday: 1pm-5pm (open access)

Open access services, structured treatment programmes, outreach and aftercare. Advice about blood-borne viruses. Helpline: 020 7266 6300.

Accommodation/housing advice, Advocacy, Counselling, Drugs workers, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers

Webber Street (London City Mission)

6-8 Webber Street


Phone: 020 7928 1677

Monday-Wednesday: 9am-12pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm

List for showers taken on Monday (1 shower per week per male guest). Short Bible talk each morning - prayer and other spiritual help offered. Closed first Wednesday of each month. Not step-free.

Mental health, Bathroom/showers, Clothing store, Food, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Leisure facilities

Whitechapel Mission

212 Whitechapel Road

E1 1BJ

Phone: 020 7247 8280

: 6am-11am The Mission daycentre. Free breakfast 8-10am.

The Mission daycentre is open Mon-Sun from 6am. Free breakfast 8-10am. We have take-away food parcels and clothing parcels. Men’s showers, 7am-10am Mon-Fri Men’s Clothing, 7am-10am Mon-Fri Women’s showers, 6am-10am Mon-Fri Advice centre, 8am-3pm Mon-Fri Computer suite, 8am-3pm Mon-Fri

Accommodation/housing advice, Alcohol workers, Barber, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Clothing store, Counselling, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Food, Internet access, Medical/health, Outreach worker links, Tenancy support

Youth Justice Legal Centre

Unit 2, Crystal Wharf, 36 Graham Street

N1 8GJ

Phone: 0203 174 2279

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5:30pm (open door policy)

Help & support to people 10–21. Legal help in education & community care, criminal representation (up to 18). Advocacy in housing, education, welfare, health etc.

Advocacy, Benefits advice, Education/training, Medical/health, Legal advice

A guide to end of life services (Marie Curie)

Phone: 0800 090 2309

You can search for local services using their online directory or ring the support line.


At A Loss

'One stop shop' website for finding specific and local bereavement support. If you are grieving for someone, visit the site.


British Pregnancy Advisory Service

Phone: 08457 304030

Monday-Sunday: 9am-9am

Emergency contraception and termination advice. Calls to the Actionline (available 24/7) will be charged at a local rate.

Counselling, Medical/health


Phone: 0800 018 5023

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Free sexual health advice & helpline for under 25s, including information on your rights, and facts about sex and sexually-transmitted infections. You can find your nearest centre via the website ('Find a Service'). If you need to speak to someone outside Brook opening times please contact the Sexual Healthline on 0300 123 7123. If you need urgent medical advice please contact NHS 111 by dialling 111, or NHS 24 (Scotland) on 08454 242424.

Medical/health, Sexual health, Legal advice

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)


Phone: 0800 58 58 58

Monday-Sunday: 5pm-12am (open 365 days a year)

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and the cause of 18 deaths every day. Helpline and webchat open 365 days a year, 4pm to Midnight.

Mental health, Medical/health, Counselling

Dr Kershaw’s Hospice

Turf Lane, Royton, Oldham, Greater Manchester


Phone: 0161 624 9984

Monday-Sunday: 9am-9am

The UK's first 'homeless-friendly' hospice. 24-hour helpline: 0161 785 5635. "Dr Kershaw’s Hospice provides specialist palliative care for adults with non-curable, life-limiting illnesses in a peaceful and homely environment. Our healthcare focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients."

Counselling, Medical/health, Barber, Bathroom/showers, Bedding, Education/training, Food (free), Foot care, Food, Internet access


Phone: 0207 704 2040

Monday & Tuesday: 10am-4pm
Wednesday & Thursday: 10am-7:30pm
Friday: 10am-4pm

The LGBT+ anti-violence charity. Offers support for LGBTQ+ people xperiencing hate crime, sexual violence or transphobia. Online chat and free helpine available. Domestic abuse helpline is open Monday – Thursday, 10am to 8:30pm and Friday, 10am to 4:30pm Hate crime helpline is Monday – Friday

Legal advice, Counselling, Sexual health, Mental health, Medical/health

Marie Curie Support Line

Phone: 0800 090 2309

Monday-Friday: 11am-6pm (support line)
Saturday: 11am-5pm (support line)
Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm (information and support nurse)

Call the free Support Line for practical or clinical information and emotional support if you're living with a terminal illness, whatever your situation.

Advocacy, Medical/health

Marie Stopes International

Phone: 0333 331 5343

Very informative website and helpline for emergency contraception and termination advice.

Counselling, Medical/health

My Life, My Choices (St Mungo's)

'My Life, My Choices: telling people what matters to me at the end of my life' will help you discuss your rights and treatment. Where would you like to be cared for? Do you want to appoint someone to speak on your behalf? Answers to some of the questions you may have.

Medical/health, Advocacy, Legal advice

Narcotics Anonymous

Phone: 0300 999 1212

Monday-Sunday: 10am-12am (helpline)

Fellowship of recovering addicts who help each other stay clean. Online meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays in the online chatroom.

Advocacy, Counselling, Drugs workers, Medical/health

One in Four

Phone: 020 8697 2112

Monday-Thursday: 9am-9pm
Friday: 9am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm

Support and resources for people who have experienced sexual abuse and/or sexual violence. Useful info about coping with flashbacks and panic attacks. Phone or email,

Mental health, Counselling, Medical/health


Phone: 0300 456 2370

Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm

If you have mental health problems or learning disabilities and need help with understanding care reviews, change of accommodation or serious medical treatment, get in touch. Phone or email, or send the word ’pohwer’ with your name and number to 81025.

Advocacy, Counselling, Medical/health

Rape Crisis (England & Wales)

Phone: 0808 802 9999

Monday-Sunday: 12pm-2:30pm
Monday-Sunday: 7pm-9:30pm

Basic information so survivors of sexual violence can access the relevant services in England and Wales. See also for Rape Crisis Europe; and for Rape Crisis Ireland.

Advocacy, Counselling, Medical/health, Sexual health, Legal advice


Phone: 0808 808 0700

Thursday: 10am-4pm (helpline)

Free service for children, young people, adults and elders with learning difficulties who have experienced trauma, loss or abuse. Respond offers therapy for people in London and South East England. Phone or email

Mental health, Advocacy, Counselling, Medical/health

Sexual Health Helpline

Find your nearest clinic or just find out about AIDS and HIV. Info on contraception, family planning, sexual health, clinics etc.

Counselling, Medical/health, Sexual health