Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Your rights

The Rights Guide for Rough Sleepers outlines your rights around arrest, stop and search, answering police questions, move-ons, no-drinking zones, sleeping rough, taking a pee in public and highway obstruction. It was put together by the Pavement, Housing Justice, Liberty and Zacchaeus 2000.

If your benefits have been sanctioned (cut off or reduced) and you feel this is unfair, you can appeal. Print this letter and hand it in at the office where you sign on. If you feel you need more advice about sanctions, contact   Zacchaeus 2000 or your nearest Citizen’s Advice Bureau. And let us know at the Pavement!


you are viewing "Health/medical"
Greenlight Medical Van

Hillsong Church London, PO Box 29971, Putney


Phone: 020 7384 9200

Wednesday: 7:30pm-10pm (alt weeks, nr Tottenham Ct Rd station and NLAH, N16)
Thursday: 7:30pm-10pm (outreach with Pilion Trust nr Old Street and Angel stations)
Monday: 7pm-9:30pm (alt weeks The Upper Room, W12 and Streetlytes, W12)
Sunday: 11:30am-4:30pm (nr Tottenham Court Rd station)
Saturday: 9:30am-12:30pm (alt weeks, St Andrew’s, Fulham)
Tuesday: 7pm-10pm (The Passage Hostel, then Buckingham Gate)

Mobile, church-funded and volunteer-led project that offers wound care, blood pressure and heart rate checks etc, advice and signposting services to London's rough sleepers.

Advocacy, Medical/health

Groundswell Homeless Health Peer Advocacy

Canterbury Court, 1-3 Brixton Road


Phone: 020 7725 2851, 02077252851

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm (appointments for peer support)

Peer Advocates with personal experience of homelessness support homeless people to access healthcare. Peer advocates support clients with health/mental health appointments and with getting support from community mental health teams, social services, therapy-based services etc. Also support clients with a dual diagnosis of mental health and drug & alcohol issues.

Mental health, Advocacy, Education/training, Outreach workers

Guy's Hospital Emergency Dental Services

23rd Floor, Tower Wing, Thomas Street


Phone: 020 7188 7236

Monday-Friday: 8am-3pm

The adult dental emergency walk-in clinic opens at 8am and is usually at full capacity by 9am.


135a Praed St

W2 1BL

Phone: 020 3312 3405 / 3406

Free, confidential sexual health service for men who have sex with men, which provides sexual health testing and treatment for men who are experiencing symptoms and advice on PEP and PrEP. Self-referral through the online booking form.

Advocacy, Medical/health, Outreach workers, Sexual health

Haringey Recovery Service

590 Seven Sisters Road

N15 6HR

Phone: 020 8801 3999

Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5pm

Works with individuals in recovery from drug & alcohol misuse. Holistic approach, with continued support, equipping people with the skill for self-development.

Advocacy, Alcohol workers, Art classes, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Drugs workers, Education/training, Internet access, Leisure facilities, Music/drama, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health, Tenancy support, Legal advice, Ex-offenders, Step-free

Haven (Paddington)

St Mary's Hospital, Praed Street

W2 1NY

Phone: 020 3299 6900

Monday-Sunday: 9am-9am

Counselling and medical services for people who have been sexually assaulted. Screening for STIs, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception. Specialist workers for 13- to 18-year-olds and Asian women.

Counselling, Medical/health

Haven (Whitechapel)

The Royal London Hospital, 9 Brady Street

E1 5BG

Phone: 020 3299 6900

Monday-Sunday: 9am-9am

Counselling and medical services for people who have been sexually assaulted. Screening for STIs, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception. Specialist workers for 13- to 18-year-olds and Asian women. For urgent advice/appointments: 020 3299 6900.

Counselling, Medical/health

Health E1

9-11 Brick Lane, Aldgate East

E1 6PU

Phone: 020 7247 0090

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm (clinics start at 9am and 2pm)
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 2pm-3:30pm (drop-in mental health clinic)
Monday-Friday: 2pm-3:30pm (substance misuse drop-in)

Medical centre for homeless and vulnerably-housed people. Also registers people in hostels or B&Bs in Tower Hamlets and those who have been placed in temporary accommodation elsewhere in London by LB Tower Hamlets. Wide range of services - contact them for further information. Phone for an appointment or drop in.

Mental health, Benefits advice, Drugs workers, Medical/health, Needle exchange, Sexual health

HOPE Worldwide UK – ODAAT

The Chambers, St.Mark’s Church, 337 Kennington Park Road

SE11 4PW

Phone: 02036594809

One Day At A Time (ODAAT) is a quasi-residential men only (18+) rehab. 12 steps, counselling and psychotherapy are employed in a loving community to transform from chaos to constructive living. Services for people on the scheme include one to one counselling, yoga, community meetings, psychotherapy, relapse prevention and life skills, group therapy and aftercare, family contact and recreation.

Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Debt advice, Dentist, Ex-forces, Ex-offenders, Food, Food (free), Internet access, Laundry, Mental health

King's Dental Institute

Bessemer Road, Denmark Hill


Phone: 0203 299 9000

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-12:30pm

Walk-in service - first come, first served. Patients queue from 7am.


Lambeth & Southwark Mind Southwark (Hearing Voices Group)

Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, Camberwell


Phone: 0203 228 1800

Tuesday: 1pm-3pm

Group for people to explore their voice-hearing experiences in a safe and confidential way, and to develop non-medical approaches to understanding and dealing with voices. Open to people from all boroughs - just turn up! Contact: 020 3228 1800 / 07969128185suc@lambethandsouthwarkmind

Mental health

Marylebone Centre (Church Army)

1-5 Cosway St


Phone: 020 7262 3818

Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-1:30pm (rough sleepers' drop-in)
Monday: 10:30am-11:30am (drama)
Monday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (M’lebone Proj newsletter)
Tuesday: 10am-12pm (open access; clothing for rough sleepers only)
Tuesday & Friday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (healthy eating; kitchen skills)
Wednesday: 8am-9am (running club)
Wednesday: 9am-12pm (Women into Work 1:1; advice)
Wednesday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (Women into Work group)
Thursday: 9am-3pm (life coaching 1:1)
Thursday & Friday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (Westminster Adul Education Service – IT, reading, writing)
Friday: 10am-12pm (ESOL for beginners)

Female-only project. Two hostels with 112 single beds and a day centre with a rough sleepers' drop-in. Activities programme for residents and day centre users. Lift for people with mobility problems to access the day centre.

Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Clothing store, Education/training, Food (free), Internet access, Laundry, Luggage storage, Medical/health, Music/drama, Sexual health, Tenancy support, Step-free, Leisure facilities

Maytree Respite Centre

72 Moray Road

N4 3LG

Phone: 020 7263 7070

Monday-Sunday: 9am-9am

Staying at Maytree House is REFERRAL ONLY This is NOT a drop-in service: Maytree provides a one-off four-night stay in a safe residential setting for people who are in a suicidal crisis, with opportunity to talk, reflect and rest, subject to an assessment, in confidence and without judgement. If you could benefit from a one-off stay in a safe and confidential space, please call or email

Mental health, Counselling

Mind in Bexley Hearing Voices Group

240A Broadway, Bexleyheath


Phone: 020 830358164

Tuesday: 3:30pm-4:30pm

Open to anyone living in Bexley. The group usually runs for eight weeks followed by a two week break. Contact Donna Howe (020 830358164;

Mental health

Mind in Camden (Hearing Voices Group)

Barnes House, 9-15 Camden Road


Phone: 020 7241 8998

Tuesday: 12pm-1pm (men & women)
Friday: 2pm-3:15pm (women only)

Open to people from all boroughs, but there's a charge if you don’t live in Camden. Phone/email for info: 020 7241 8998;

Mental health

Newham Transitional Practice

The Centre Manor Park, 30 Church Rd, Manor Park

E12 6AQ

Phone: 0208 553 7460

Monday-Friday: 8am-6:30pm
Map Website: http://

GP surgeries, practice nurses and homeless outreach nurses for those living in Newham. Outreach nurses: 07939 979198 or 07956 283748.

Medical/health, Outreach workers

North London Action for the Homeless

St Paul's Church Hall, Stoke Newington Rd

N16 7UE

Phone: 07421 032 553

Monday: 12pm-1:30pm During Covid-19 pandemic all food is take-away.
Wednesday: 7pm-8:30pm During Covid-19 pandemic all food is take-away.

Free three-course vegetarian meal, and tea or coffee. Take-away food and clothing upon request. Visits from Health Access Worker. East European outreach workers.

Clothing store, Food (free), Medical/health, Outreach worker links

Olallo Services

Phone: 020 7370 6020

Care and support for rough sleepers suffering from tuberculosis.


Positive East

159 Mile End Road, Stepney

E1 4AQ

Phone: 020 7791 2855

Monday-Friday: 10:30am-5pm

Pre-Covid-19 did HIV testing. Still offers Practical and emotional support and advice by HELPLINE (020 7791 2855) for people living with or affected by HIV in E London. Option 1 psychological help. Option 2 advice line on housing & benefits. Option 3 sexual health questions. Please see website for full list of services operating during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mental health, Advocacy, Benefits advice, Careers advice, Counselling, Food, Internet access, Medical/health, Outreach workers, Sexual health

Providence Row

The Dellow Centre, 82 Wentworth Street

E1 7SA

Phone: 020 7375 0020

Monday-Friday: 9am-3:30pm (needle exchange - closed 12.30–1.30pm)
Monday: 10am-11:30am (men's group)
Monday: 2pm-3pm (yoga)
Tuesday: 9:30am-12:30pm (homeopathy)
Tuesday: 11:30am-12:30pm (relaxation skills)
Tuesday: 2pm-3:30pm (women's group)
Wednesday: 11:30am-1pm (peer support, addictions)
Thursday: 11am-1pm (art & wellbeing)
Friday: 10am-11:30am (Breaking Free Online- computer assisted therapy)
Friday: 10am-11:30am (self-harming support group)
Monday: 1:30pm-3:30pm (mental health drop-in)

Helps people of all backgrounds to an independent and fulfilled life away from homelessness & exclusion. They address not only users' immediate needs, but also the underlying issues and causes of their homelessness and exclusion. Download the timetable for their learning and wellbeing programme ( Most of their facilities are step-free. Services in Romanian and Polish.

Mental health, Art classes, Benefits advice, Bathroom/showers, Careers advice, Counselling, Drugs workers, Education/training, Food (free), Food, Internet access, Needle exchange

Recovery Intervention Service Ealing-Southall (RISE)

Saluja Clinic, 36A Northcote Avenue, Southall


Phone: 020 8843 5900

Monday-Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 9am-7pm

Free and confidential service for people in Ealing provides assessment and short-term treatment, and helps individuals to access other support services. Helps people break a cycle of addiction to heroin, cocaine and new psychoactive substance, and alcohol. Specialist health care interventions, talking therapies, medication, community or residential detox and rehab. Get your key worker to refer you.

Alcohol workers, Drugs workers, Counselling

Richmond Fellowship (Hearing Voices Group - Redbridge)

19 Mansfield Road, Ilford, Essex


Phone: 020 8514 5586

Thursday: 2:30pm-4pm

Hearing voices group that is open to people no matter where they live. Just contact the facilitators, who will meet you to exchange information about the group and themselves. Contact Michael Roberts: 020 8514 5586.

Mental health

Royal Connections

The Hub Studios, 90 Monier Road (off Wick Lane), Bow

E3 2ND

Phone: 0300 111 1111

Sunday: 4pm-6pm (hot meal on 4th Sunday of the month)

Christian charity dedicated to helping people who need help. Works with other local organisations.

Accommodation/housing advice, Barber, Careers advice, Dentist, Education/training, Food (free), Medical/health, Legal advice

Soho NHS Walk-In Centre

1 Frith Street


Phone: 020 7534 6500

Monday-Friday: 8am-8pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am-8pm (and Bank Holidays - closed on Christmas Day)

Previously a walk-in medical centre for general healthcare, contraceptive advice, and HIV/Hep tests. Closed since Covid-19 pandemic. Visit 111 online for any health concerns.

Medical/health, Sexual health

Spectra CIC

St Charles Centre, Exmoor Street

W10 6DZ

Phone: 0203 322 6920

Pre-Covid-19 were offering health and well-being services, including sexual health, emotional resilience and wellbeing. Outreach, social and therapeutic groups, support, health screening, counselling. Services are suspended - check website for details as some services are reinstated.

Mental health, Counselling, Education/training, Outreach worker links, Outreach workers, Sexual health