Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Attack on two

May 18 2009
A man has been arrested for attempted murder, following an attack on two fellow rough sleepers in their shelter near Southwark Bridge The story was initially covered in issue 18, though at the time police denied the attack had taken place. The men were assaulted in the early hours of 11th January and taken to The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel. One, Lionel, was discharged a few hours later, but Peter, who had more serious injuries, was treated for a couple of days. They were woken by blows from their attacker's "large piece of timber" and couldn't defend themselves from what they said was unprovoked violence. The pair believes the attacker was a man they had earlier asked to leave the shelter where they used to spend their nights. Drowsy and in the dark, they couldn't identify their attacker. A spokesperson for Bishopgate police confirmed that Mr Blake, a 49-year-old homeless man, was arrested after he walked into the police station and confessed to carrying out the attack. He has been charged with two attempted murders and will appear at the Central Criminal Court at the end of April for the hearing.