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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Charity begins at home?

August 09 2016
Should third-sector workers support their organisation financially?

Almost a third of charity workers don’t donate money to good causes, according to a survey by a money-saving website.

The poll of 1,982 Britons aged 21 and over who had been working in the charity sector for at least a year, revealed that the majority of those who don’t donate – 31 per cent – said that they could not afford to. However, a further 31 per cent of those who did not give to any third sector organisations said that the reason was that they felt they did enough for charity by doing the jobs they were paid to do.

Research, commissioned by, opened interviews by asking third-sector workers if they considered themselves to be charitable, with 82 per cent stating that they were.

However only 12 per cent gave more than £30 per month to charity. Those who gave £1–£5 made up 17 per cent, a further 32 per cent gave £6–£10 and six per cent gave £11–£20.

Almost half had never donated to the charity they worked for.

George Charles, a spokesman for the website that commissioned the survey, said: “People assume that those that work for charities, be it office work or in a shop, would be naturally very charitable and therefore we predict that they must be donating loads of money per month, but apparently this is not the case!”

And he urged charity workers, as well as the general public, to give whatever they felt able to afford.

“It is definitely difficult to give money every month when you don’t feel as if you have enough to look after yourself, but we have to remember that those people that charities help are in far worse situations and they really do need all the help they can get," he added.

What do you think? Should charity workers donate to the charity they work for?