Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Universal Credit: Drew's story*

March 01 2019

* Not real name

Due to illness, I had to sign on and was told that I would have to apply for Universal Credit. I applied online and received an interview date. At that interview there was total confusion within the Jobcentre – no one seemed to know what was happening. I was sent over to a desk and the worker informed me, nearly tearful, that she had no training in UC and I was the first person she had seen.

Fast forward two months and I am getting threatening letters regarding Council Tax. I eventually got a letter from debt collectors Scott & Co regarding £600+ of unpaid Council Tax with a 10% surcharge added and demanding immediate payment. I personally went and spoke to them and furnished them with all relevant paperwork in support of my appeal. They stopped all court action and advised me to go to the council offices.

At the council offices they laughed and said that “UC” do not have a clue what they are doing. Eventually my bill was rightfully reduced more than £400. My credit rating has been badly affected, and all because workers are not being trained to properly implement UC procedure.

I won my case, but how many others have lost or given up without trying?