Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Photostories 131: Mar-Apr 2021

March 01 2021

Photos with a story!

Solutions Journalism training in action with Giselle Green, a former BBC News journalist who now runs a project to highlight solutions-focused news stories. Giselle helped train 12 writers with homelessness experience for the Pavement via online talks and individual sessions. “I’m really pleased to be working with the Pavement to help give a voice to people with experience of being homeless. As a strong advocate of solutions journalism, I’m delighted to have the chance to show how this approach can strengthen the impact of their stories. I've been very moved and also inspired by the conversations I've had with the trainees about their own circumstances and their ideas for what they'd like to write about for the Pavement. I'm sure their stories will resonate with readers but also offer hope and practical help." Several of the trainees have contributed to this issue, and we look forward to their special takeover in May. Training funded by European Journalism Centre. © Pavement

Warm coat: A number of take one leave one (TOLO) rails appeared at the start of the year, and will be running into March. Visitors to TOLO rails can take a free coat to keep warm this winter, or donate one to be put on to the rail. The Peckham TOLO rail has appeared every Saturday since mid-January underneath the Peckham Arch, just by the library. An organiser of the scheme, Saf, told the Pavement there are plans to expand. “My hope is that we will syndicate to other rails around the UK… and they can become semi-permanent, unmanned rails where people take and replenish clothes.”
TOLO rails are across London and other parts of the UK.
Follow @peckhamtolo on Instagram © Jake Cudsi

Access Hub: at 389 Argyle Street is run by Simon Community Scotland, and provides vital support to homeless people in Glasgow City Centre. This new service launched in September 2020, and is open Mon – Sun from 9am – 5pm. Call the Street Team on 0800 027 7466 for urgent out-of-hours assisstance. © Iain McLean

Congratulations to the creative superpowers at Accumulate who have just published a graphic novel. The Book of Homelessness, billed as the “world’s first ever graphic novel created by people affected by homelessness”, began life as creative workshops in January 2020.
Founder of Accumulate, Marice Cumber said: “this beautiful book shows the complexities of homelessness, and what causes it, and the struggles that people have undertaken to succeed and flourish.”
Contributor Amalia said the workshops, “Helped me use my talents to create pieces of art and poetry for the book. The sessions helped me to grow and transform and heal from domestic abuse, from being homeless and unstable.”
Visit  to buy, or follow @accumulate_ldn