Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Cardboard Citizens do Timon

May 20 2009
Homeless theatre company tackles Shakespeare and a tour Cardboard Citizens, the only professional theatre company working with homeless and ex-homeless people, presents, in collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), an adaptation of Shakespeare's play Timon of Athens. The play will be on tour, starting in London, for at least three weeks, from 24th of October until the 11th of November. The story: surrounded by flatterers, a wealthy man called Timon travels from his fake golden paradise to a nightmare of loneliness and bankruptcy. Adapted by Sarah Woods and Adrian Jackson, the production is set in a management seminar where goals, ambition and individualism are paramount. "When Timon loses his fortune, he turns to the people he considered friends and thinks they will help him. But they don't. This story is not far from what homeless people experience today", said designer, Fred Meller. The play involves interaction between the audience and the actors who have had their own 'Timonean' experience in life. "We don't want barriers between the audience and the actors... an audience member might also be given lines to read," added Meller.