Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Homeless relationships?

May 21 2009
When hostels cater for single homeless men, they mean solitary homeless men Dear Editor, Why are relationships not viewed as a positive thing for homeless people? By this I mean that there are very few hostels that cater for couples, plus if they found out that you are having a relationship in a hostel, the staff will ask one or the other, or even both, to leave. Having places for single homeless men, they really mean that they have space for solitary homeless. I suggest they read the part of the ODPM's [Office of the Deputy Prime-Minister] Quality Assessment Framework Section 3.2 which requires "that there are no unnecessary arbitrary rules that restrict service users' freedoms." Okay, there has been a small change from the past, but if homeless people are now viewed as customers of services, isn't about supply and demand? Just how many beds are available in London to homeless couples? And what about people in hostels? Am I not allowed to be human and find stability in a relationship? Anon (full name supplied) Via e-mail Dear Anon, A good point, and one we'll look at in a future issue. One of our writers will be in touch to see if you'd like to be involved in this feature. The Editor