Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Southall suburban helpline

May 21 2009
Ealing homeless charity aims to help people manage their money A homeless charity in the London Borough of Ealing recently set up a helpline for people who are street homeless to better manage any monies they might receive. Founding member Guruji Gulshan Singh said: "The aim of the charity is to help anybody living on the street with money. We can open a bank account for them and are also equipped to provide grants to them for retraining if they already have skills, so they can find work." "This new helpline is for people to ring if they have problems, and the service is open to everybody in the borough who has fallen on hard times." Mr Singh has been involved in outreach work of this kind for more than 15 years as part of registered charity Kalimata Mandir. Working closely with Ealing Drug and Alcohol Action Programme, the charity also provides food, blankets and clothing for the homeless, raising funds to continue their work through local events.