Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Squatting empty homes

May 23 2009
The number of empty homes in the UK is set to pass the million mark, says a reader, who has a solution... I'm writing to ask you for help because I am tired of begging homeless charities to consider helping. Two or three others and I are trying to start a housing action group in London. We are all experienced squatters and two of us are members of the Advisory Service for Squatters, so we're educated about housing law and a few other matters. We are opening squats for people to live in, as we believe the situation has gone too far. The number of empty homes in the UK is now set to pass the million mark, thanks to the recession. The problem isn't getting into or securing the properties, or providing support to the people living there; we've opened a few squats and they are running smoothly. The problem is getting to the people who can benefit from us the most. Basically, people who are in poverty, have no recourse to public funds, or aren't priority for housing council housing. We want to give them a breathing space so they can recover and reach a point where they can support themselves. No charities we know of are against what we do, but I've tried talking to more than a few, and none are willing to refer people to us. I know there are hundreds of people who could use our services - the charity workers have told me so themselves. So I am asking you, in desperation, if you can think of a way we could get in touch with these people. Yiannis Voyias If you're interested in what they're doing or want to work with them email: Details of The Advisory Service for Squatters can found at their website. Editor