Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Let\'s stop the move-ons

May 23 2009
Housing Justice‘s London Co-Ordinator asks you to help us stamp out this grotesque policy I have become increasingly alarmed by the tactics police and council workers are using before street counts and in the middle of the night to move on homeless people. They may provide the results the councils are under pressure to produce, but what harm are they doing to vulnerable individuals who cannot, or do not wish to, access services? I asked Liberty, the human rights organisation, to look into the legality of the more assertive (and aggressive?) methods used, and they produced an authoritative and comprehensive report. Housing Justice, Liberty, The Pavement and the legal charity Zacchaeus 2000 Trust then met to discuss the police and councils' actions. This discussion is continuing. We now need to gather evidence from the homeless men and women who are being woken up and moved on so that Housing Justice, Liberty, The Pavement and Zacchaeus 2000 can stop this practice. Can you help us? We pray you can and will. If you or someone you know has been moved on, please contact me at Thank you. Sally Leigh London Co-ordinator Housing Justice