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Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Credit crunch Christmas - young most at risk of homelessness

May 23 2009
Rough sleepers are being turned away from Cambridge‘s hostels as the recession bites More young people are likely to be forced to sleep in the streets as a result of the credit crunch and increased pressure on homeless services, according to Cambridge-based charity Relate. Rough sleepers are already being turned away from the city's hostels as overstretched services cannot cope with the numbers made homeless because of the recession. Cambridge centre director Sarah Maddocks said: "Parents often move in with a new partner who doesn't want the teenage children of the previous relationship staying with them, leading to homelessness." A local shelter has already had to refuse people entry, and Emmaus have asked for blankets to help protect people they can't offer a bed to. Cambridge Council is holding out for homelessness prevention policies which, they say, the government should pass 'soon'. But meanwhile, eviction numbers rise.