Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Discussion on move-ons

May 24 2009
Waking people without a compelling reason is illegal under common law, says barrister Housing Justice launch ed its report 'Rough Sleeping: Compassion vs Coercion' with a discussion at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London, on 26th March. Michelle Binfield, the Department of Communities and Local Government's homeless specialist, and Jeremy Swain, CEO of Thames Reach, framed the debate in terms of faith-based amateurs, who object to Operation Poncho - the controversial actions for moving on rough sleepers in the City - versus professionals, who see a use for it. However, Alan Murdie, of legal charity Zacchaeus 2000, was clear: waking people without a compelling reason was illegal under common law, and Poncho had been introduced with no consideration of the legal ramifications and could easily lead to claims for damages.