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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Soup Run Forum

A Pavement omission... Dear Sir, Just a quick grumble about the soup report article by Rebecca Evans (the September issue). It was a good article, but it's a pity she didn't mention the Housing Justice Soup Run Forum anywhere. The LSE research actually originated by the agreement of a meeting of the forum in 2007, and the forum has done more than anyone else in helping to coordinate all the groups doing soup runs, as well as helping defend the place of soup runs in services for homeless people, as you know. In the last paragraph there's even a reference to the "well established timetable of soup runs organised by voluntary groups in Westminster", which is the timetable that we started on behalf of the Forum. Further, the Soup Run Forum met at Westminster Methodist Central Hall on 20th July to discuss the recommendations of the LSE report ‚Äö?Ñ??Soup runs in Central London: the right help at the right time'. The recommendations specifically for the soup runs are: ‚Äö?Ѭ¢ The Soup Run Forum to continue to play an active role in coordinating and controlling soup run provision and to set guidelines and codes of practice for members ‚Äö?Ѭ¢ The providers to work together with BBS outreach workers and the Police SSHU (Safer Streets Homeless Unit) teams ‚Äö?Ѭ¢ To establish a working group to mediate between the local residents and soup runs ‚Äö?Ѭ¢ To establish more street cafes, duplicating the model used by the Simon Community Street Caf?¬©. Members of the Soup Run Forum welcomed the recommendations and agreed to work within their guidelines. The soup runs look forward to establishing greater links with outreach teams from Westminster's BBS and the Police SSHU, in order to achieve a better outcome for people living on the street. As Chair of the Soup Run Forum, I am waiting for guidance from Westminster Council about how they plan to work closely with the soup runs and how the Soup Run Forum can help to promote this among members. Alison Gelder, CEO of Housing Justice, has begun a dialogue with the Cathedral Area Residents Group on behalf of the Soup Run Forum. Their representatives have been invited to attend the next Soup Run Forum to discuss their concerns directly with the soup runs. Housing Justice is also working with Crisis on a volunteering event, which will promote alternative opportunities to help homeless people in November 2009. Sally Leigh Chair of the Soup Run Forum Housing Justice Ms Leigh, A terrible oversight on my part, and one I'm happy to rectify here. Also, thank you for letting our readers know what you're working on, and we'll follow you progress with interest. Find out where the next Soup Run Forum is being held, and what other discussions are taking place at Editor