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I\'m a celebrity... let me sleep out here

September 25 2009
Who wants to be a rough sleeper? Who wants to be a rough sleeper?
Chris Tarrant and Jeremy Beadle - accompanied by a security guard - bed down in Covent Garden Celebrities working for a charity is a common event, but it is rare that a stunt is as misconceived as one recently held by Chris Tarrant. As an ambassador for Centrepoint, Tarrant was joined by Jeremy Beadle in "sleeping rough" for a night "to help raise awareness of the problems of youth homelessness". An interesting idea, except for their definition of sleeping rough... Accompanied by designer luggage and a steady supply of coffee and croissants, Tarrant and pals slept under one of the roofed parts of Covent Garden with a security guard present. On the other side of the security fence, the regular rough sleepers of Covent Garden could only watch as the celebs bedded down with pillows and thick sleeping bags.