Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

June – July 2024 : Reflections READ ONLINE



Your voice

City move-ons - responses
There is a definite policy amongst City of London police to constantly harass rough sleepers, a reader tells us
Rough sleepers moved on - a response
This reasons the church and council gave for move-ons ring no bells for a reader
Mayoral elections - a response
The founder of Centrepoint picks Ken Livingtone up on a remark he made in a recent interview
Poetry on the Big Issue
We‘re publishing James McCue‘s poem, written in his creative writing group, in the hope it will produce some debate
Crisis critique - Mick Bateman responds
Crisis will review aspects of the 2007 Open Christmas in 2007 to ensure rough sleepers have guaranteed access to services
Crisis critique - a response
Rough sleepers are Crisis‘s first priority at Crisis Open Christmas and the charity welcomes feedback, says Micky Walsh
A reader thanks Diane Goodkind and the rest of the Great Chapel Street team
Street counts
A reader enquires about government counts
Criminal Record Office checks and move-ons
Move-ons date back to 1997, if not earlier, according to a reader
Police move-on
A reader accuses police and outreach workers of harassment