Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

June – July 2024 : Reflections READ ONLINE




St Martin\'s Portacabins
Most of the day centre will soon be running from temporary premises
Unleash training
Covering the basics of working with London‘s homeless men and women
Bad smack
31 January: drug alert
Are Eastern European migrants facing tougher times?
Eastern European migrants face tough challenges in finding work or surviving on the streets in London
Ten Feet Away festival
St John‘s will get a new lease of life, if only for a few days
Soup Run Forum
The Forum goes online to coordinate its activities
Capital Volunteering
Volunteering offers an aid to coping with mental illness - and it‘s rewarding
Books on wheels
The Quaker Mobile Library offers a good read on the streets of London
Mild winter ahead, but colder than last year
The Met Office predict a wet winter, but charities gear up for harsh weather just in case