Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE




Unleash training
Covering the basics of working with London‘s homeless men and women
Are Eastern European migrants facing tougher times?
Eastern European migrants face tough challenges in finding work or surviving on the streets in London
Inequality for homosexual homeless
The needs of homeless LGBT people are often not met by mainstream organisations.


Campaign: more needs to be done to make Welfare fair
Have you been sanctioned? Please get in touch
Carrying a torch
 Homeless people are among the nominees to carry the Olympic flame
Mapping DZs
Homeless men paid for beatings
Owner says the men will do anything for money
The Girl‚Äö?Ñ?¥s Guide to Homelessness
Book urges the public to rethink their views on homelessness, says author Brianna Karp
Rough sleeper dies in custody
Independent Police Complaints Commission will examine CCTV and police custody records


Campaign: Costs of the cuts
How have the cuts affected you? We want to know
A dog’s life?
We revisit being on the streets with man’s best friend
Coalition plans
We look at the new government and what it‘s likely to mean for our readership
Questioning 42
A single statistic, often repeated by homeless organisations, deserves explanation
Sobering facts
Is street drinking putting an increasing strain on the National Health Service?
Hardy times
Things are tough down in the Dorset town of Dorchester


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