Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Showing our impact

September 11 2015
A reader is filmed describinbg the difference the Pavement has made

The Pavement has launched a short film to show the impact it makes on our reader's lives. 

The pocket-sized magazine, for a homeless readership, is marking its 10th anniversary this week. It aims to raise enough funds to help 'keep it on the streets' next year, allowing homeless people to benefit from its unique blend of news, listings and advice. 

Christopher Ubsdell, who features in the film, spend over 10 years sleeping rough before getting a flat last year.

He said: “Another homeless person told me: ‘You need to get hold of a copy of the Pavement because it has all the information you need in there’.

“Living on the streets isn’t easy. You don’t really know how it is you’re supposed to help yourself. When I first got my hands on a copy of the Pavement, it was like a beacon.  It was like someone out there saying to me: ‘We can help you.’”

The Pavement receives no statutory funds and relies on trusts and donations to survive. It is distributed to over 70 homeless projects, days centres and night shelters free by Fareshare in London, the West Midlands and Scotland. Currently almost 50 organisations are on our waiting list. 

Watch the film here:

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