Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


The shades come off

December 15 2015
Listen to podcasts by our Word on teh Street volunteers

"When you get a bit older, the shades come off and you start to see things in a different way,” says James Blakeley, one of the Pavement’s Word on the Street Glasgow volunteers.

He – along with a team of eight others have just launched ‘When the Shades Comes Off’ – an exhibition of pictures taken in and around Glasgow’s Barras market – at the city’s Lodging House Mission day centre.

The volunteers, who all have some experience of homelessness, attend weekly supported volunteering sessions at the Lodging House Mission where they also get training and support in writing, photography and podcasting.

In recent sessions they have explored the area around them; the iconic Barras market in Glasgow was somewhere many people remembered as a bustling centre. But now – at least during the week – it was eerily empty; forgotten, unloved.

They also photographed an area around it that was changing. But was this regeneration for the good of the existing community? And what of the Lodging House Mission itself - just a stone’s throw from Glasgow’s iconic Barrowland Ballroom venue and Barras market. Who are the people that spend their time here?

The stories they’ve told are of an area, and of every day lives. And raised questions about the need for investment; in the area, in the community and in people themselves.

Listen to our podcast and find out more: