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March against controversial housing bill

May 12 2016
Protestor at 'Kill the Bill' Protest via Twitter © Hotel Workers Unite Protestor at 'Kill the Bill' Protest via Twitter © Hotel Workers Unite
Thousands of protestors took part in a march calling on the government to drop the Housing and Planning Bill.

Thousands of protestors took part in a march calling on the government to drop its controversial new Housing and Planning Bill. The ‘Kill the Bill’ demo took place in London on 13 March, beginning at Lincoln’s Inn Fields and ending at Parliament Square. Controversial new measures outlined in the bill include rent rises for higher-earning council tenants (higher earning being defined as over £40,000 in London and £30,000 elsewhere); the extension of the right-to-buy scheme to housing associations (removing yet more social housing from the market); and promoting starter homes – so-called ‘affordable housing’, capped at £450,000 in Greater London and £250,000 outside. At the time of writing, the bill was at the report stage in the House of Lords – two steps away from being given Royal Assent.