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How I feel about photography

July 24 2018
Is there anybody out there? © Lewis Is there anybody out there? © Lewis
Photographer Lewis explains why he takes photos

They say that art feeds the soul. I think this is only true if the artist also manages to reveal their own soul to whoever is looking at their work.

The problem is that this may sound easy, but it really isn’t. Art is all about communication, you have to speak to your audience. I truly do not believe you can do this by thinking about all the people you are trying to reach, as this would be close to impossible. It has to begin and end with yourself, you have to concentrate on how you feel and what you want to show. The more you know yourself, the better your art will be. Even if you can reach just one person, then you have done your job.

History has mostly been written from the viewpoint of the winners. Thanks to the phones in our cameras, and social media, this might be the perfect time for communities to take control of their own histories and record their own stories. This is why I produce the type of work that I do. And it’s why I would encourage anyone to go and take your own photos. If you put just a little of your heart into it, then there is going to be someone out there that will want to see it.

Enjoy Lewis' photos on

Insta: @pavement_magazine