Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Safety first

November 01 2020

Simone Lincoln from central and north West London NHS clash services talks doms, dams and safe sex

CLASH which stands for Central London Action on Sexual Health, offers free and confidential testing, advice and information for all your sexual health and contraception needs. To talk to the CLASH team call 0203 317 2855.

CONDOMS & DAMS Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can
be passed through oral, vaginal and rectal sex, and some through skin-to- skin contact. Condoms and dams are great for protecting against STIs and should be used for all types of sex, every time. They are available for free from most sexual health clinics.

SAFETY FIRST Your safety should always be first priority. If you are in immediate danger call 999. If you are a victim of domestic abuse, client violence and/or harassment, or forced sex work/trafficking then please seek help. Contact the team today.

TEST & TREAT It is important to have regular screening for STIs and review of contraception needs if sexually active. Ideally this should happen every three months.

CONTRACEPTION There is a contraception method out there for everyone – pills, patches, vaginal ring, injections, implants, IUS, IUD, male and female condoms.

DO NOT OVER WASH Genital skin is very sensitive. You should never wash inside the vagina (douching). Use plain water on the outer skin only or if needed, you can use a mild non-perfumed moisturiser for the external skin only.

HOMELESS OR WORKING IN THE SEX INDUSTRY CLASH can help arrange support and screening for those who are homeless in the Camden, Islington and Harringay areas of London. CLASH also provides walk-in clinics for people of any gender working in the sex industry. They are at:

  • Mortimer Market centre, WC1E 6JB from 8.30am–1pm Mondays & Fridays
  • Archway Centre, N19 5SE from 12 noon–4pm Thursdays