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Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Update on sleep pods

May 20 2009
Lorica makes progress towards its goal of 20 one-person bed/rooms At least eight modern sleep pods have been obtained by Lorica Trust, the Sussex-based organisation from St Patrick's Church. According to Jack Wheale, representative and leading figure of Lorica Trust, the first sponsor to come forward as a result of the November exhibition was the Old Ship Hotel in Brighton. It seems that the prototype, which has been on display at St Patrick's Church during the winter months, has drawn the attention of the community. A member of the public who lives near the charity and had seen some of the media coverage also sent in a cheque for one sleep pod, followed by sponsorship for six by a trust fund. However, the group still has its work cut out to reach the initial goal it had set itself. Lorica Trust wants to obtain 20 sleep pods in total for its shelter, meaning the group will have to raise another £36,000. The organisation believes the innovative sleeping pods, which cost £3,000 each, are vital, as they solve problems such as the matter of privacy, particularly for women.