Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

October – November 2024 : Change READ ONLINE


Planning application Crisis

May 20 2009
Shoreditch residents come out against Crisis‘s Urban Village project Some 800 local people in Shoreditch have opposed the Urban Village project, which could bring ex-homeless and the housed into a mixed community. The project, on which Crisis CEO Shaks Ghosh has worked on for the last five years, is modelled on the success of Common Ground in New York. During the last five years, activity has significantly risen. The rock star David Gilmour sold his home to raise funds for the project, and the government gave ¬¨¬£30 million to help fund the Urban Village. A site for it was found in Shoreditch. Tower Hamlets Council, the Greater London Authority, and other key decision-makers came together to support the project. The last hurdle before building began was applying for planning permission. Crisis's deadline for the application was on 19th July, and, unfortunately, 800 local people have opposed the scheme. Objectors claimed that they support the homeless, but that the development would be unacceptable as it has numerous, significant departures from planning law. Crisis have fought back, and thanks to the response from its members, a decision has been deferred to enable a site visit by the council on 14th September.