Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

current issue

December 2024 – January 2025 : Solidarity READ ONLINE


Two Steps to bridging the gap

May 21 2009
Project offers a ‘stopover‘ for people returning to long-term accommodation Two Steps is an innovative housing programme set up by Hope, a charity that works with socially excluded people in the UK and overseas. The Two Step project aims to tackle the barriers that face people returning to long-term accommodation by offering a 'stopover' option to those referred to the programme. The object of the scheme is to get people back into long-term accommodation (step 2), which can take days or even weeks. During this time, Hope's volunteer-hosts take clients into their home (step 1) while the client's longer term accommodation needs are being worked out. Clients are referred onto the Two Step scheme by their local government departments, other charitable organisations or sometimes through word of mouth. Once a person is put in touch with the programme, a Two Step advisor will assess whether they qualify for the scheme. Since Two Step believes in helping people to help themselves, it is sometimes the case that clients are asked to search for a property themselves. If they are successful, Hope will then find the money for the initial deposit. Two Step volunteers are often families who have agreed at short notice to allow people to stay with them. Offering a stopover option hoists clients onto the first step of a path into a more stable housing situation. While Hope accepts that allowing any stranger to enter your home is a risk, they do everything they can to minimize any danger.