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Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

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Ukranian Poles?

May 18 2009
Rumours reach us that some London-based Poles are actually Ukrainians with immigration problems Around 15 per cent of the homeless people in London are from new EU countries such as Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, but rumours have reached this paper that some Poles, here as legal members of an accession state, are actually Ukrainians who tell the police that they've "lost their papers". A source who doesn't want to be named commented to The Pavement: "The police are aware of immigration problems, but in terms of whether people who are homeless in the street pretend to be Polish when they're actually Ukrainians, it's not a matter for police services but for immigration services, and there is nothing we can do." The UK's borders were opened to A8 members two years ago, and some homeless services are struggling to cope with this influx, as many who cannot claim benefits end up living on the streets or in squats. However, it now seems possible that a small number from non-EU states are coming through in the confusion, and claiming to be Polish to avoid deportation. "Unfortunately, we cannot comment on rumours unless we have some specifications of individual cases," a Home Office spokesperson said.