Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

December 2013

December 2013 READ ONLINE
London edition (PDF 0MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 83
Scottish edition (PDF 0MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 48
West midlands edition (PDF 0MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 29




A hand-hold to grab on to, before it's too late
The Edinburgh Cyrenians Homeless Prevention Service‘s advice can keep you in your home 
New initiative to fund homeless accommodation
Cost-effective rent deposit scheme rolled out
Scotland's Housing Bill is now law
Passing the Bill signals a victory for homeless people and those at risk of losing their homes
Held to account
A bank with a difference has opened its second branch in Greenock
Rowan Alba
One Edinburgh charity is making headway with offering the right kind of support
On a firm footing
We profile Rock Trust, a charity specifically designed to help homeless 16-25-year-olds
Out of the woods
A project for mental health patients uses the healing power of nature
Best foot forward
Getting a kick out of Street Soccer