Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

November 2014

November 2014 READ ONLINE




Scottish government publishes homeless stats
Applicants are down overall, but rose in the latter half of the year
Aberdeen Council given go-ahead to sue itself
City Council fights itself over the threatened closure of an  hostel
Bethany's big sleepout
Dozens sleep out for the Edinburgh charity
Humph Trump
Hostilities continue in golf course vs homes saga
More support in new legislation
Housing campaigners called for more support for homeless people to be included in proposed new legislation
Anthrax update
A 10th heroin user in Scotland has died after becoming infected
Beggars belief
Edinburgh hotelier thinks beggars are ruining the city‘s reputation
Cyrenians Sleepout
1,000+ gathered  with their sleeping bags in aid of homeless causes
Four years of decreasing homelessness in Edinburgh
Homeless numbers demonstrate the effectiveness of their strategy, says Council
House building industry warning
Scotland is facing its worst housing crisis since World War II