Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

Oct-Nov 2016

Oct-Nov 2016 READ ONLINE
London edition (PDF 1.12MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 105
Scottish edition (PDF 1.13MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 69




A hand-hold to grab on to, before it's too late
The Edinburgh Cyrenians Homeless Prevention Service‘s advice can keep you in your home 
New initiative to fund homeless accommodation
Cost-effective rent deposit scheme rolled out
Scotland's Housing Bill is now law
Passing the Bill signals a victory for homeless people and those at risk of losing their homes
Held to account
A bank with a difference has opened its second branch in Greenock
Rowan Alba
One Edinburgh charity is making headway with offering the right kind of support
On a firm footing
We profile Rock Trust, a charity specifically designed to help homeless 16-25-year-olds
Out of the woods
A project for mental health patients uses the healing power of nature
Best foot forward
Getting a kick out of Street Soccer