Established 2005 Registered Charity No. 1110656

Scottish Charity Register No. SC043760

October 2014

October 2014 READ ONLINE
London edition (PDF 1.2MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 91
Scottish edition (PDF 1.32MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 55
West midlands edition (PDF 1.28MB) DOWNLOAD ISSUE 37




A Few Man Fridays
 See Cardboard Citizens’ latest production at the Riverside Studios for £1 if you have had experience of homelessness
Soup Run Forum news
Homeless commemoration
Annual service in memory of those who have died on the streets to take place on 6 November
Good Soup Guide: No 6 - The Students
The boffins from Imperial College produce some pretty decent grub
What's on in London
Information on soup runs, a homelessness conference and CapitalArts events
Cafe Arlington: more than tea and sympathy?
The first of four planned coffee shops offers rough sleepers a route back to work
Good soup guide: No. 3 ‚ Aslan
The connection with the Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia is intentional, but Aslan also stands for the All Souls Local Action Network
Learning a trade at West London Day Centre
The centre has set up a project so homeless people can learn a range of trades that could secure a college place, a job and a career
St John's/North Lambeth Day Centre closes for building work
One of Central London‘s busiest day centres has closed for refurbishment
New art workshop for homeless
Capital A aims to make London galleries more accessible with tours and workshops